The Magnitude of Mentoring

Written by
Laura Francis

Why Corporate Mentoring Programs Are So Valuable

The Magnitude of MentoringMentoring is one of those rare gems in organizational development that makes people smile when they think about it. It provides a great way for us to give back to and connect with our colleagues, and it makes us feel good when we think about being able to share our knowledge and experience with others. We want to help people learn from our mistakes and successes!

It is also seen as a prevailing way for people to get ahead in their careers. It allows us to learn from those who have walked the path before us so that we can improve upon what they have already done and find innovative ways to tackle problems. It also helps us build our professional networks and make those invaluable human connections that we need.

The sheer magnitude of mentoring can be jaw-dropping when you think about it. It can affect our attitudes, processes, practices, beliefs, and more.

Now think about if 10 people mentor one or two others, who then in turn mentor one or two others, and so on. The trickle-down effect of mentoring can lead to every employee in an organization being impacted by mentoring in some way. That is powerful!

River has created an eBook focused on “Building Your Mentoring Roadmap” to help you plan and execute how you can bring mentoring to more people in your organization. This free eBook looks at:

  • Different types of mentoring in practice today
  • Common organizational programs tied to mentoring
  • Problems mentoring can help overcome

The eBook includes worksheets for you to complete that will help you plot out your own roadmap for mentoring at your organization.

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Download your free copy today to get started. Your employees will thank you.



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The Mentoring Journey

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