4 Ways to Keep Mentoring Momentum Going [Training Industry]

Written by
Laura Francis

Press Feature

TI article - Mentoring Momentum4 Ways to Keep Mentoring Momentum Going

By Laura Francis
Published in Training Industry
June 10, 2020

Life is stressful today, with many urgent concerns vying for our attention. So what do you do if your mentoring relationship stagnates? This article from Laura Francis in Training Industry provides tips you can use right now.


Article Sneak Peek:

Mentoring relationships can sometimes mimic any other type of relationship in life: They can have moments of frequent connection, followed by lulls in activity. This ebb and flow is natural and could be a reflection of what your relationship needs at any given point in time.

But what happens when your mentoring relationship loses steam and starts to fizzle? Even people with the best intentions can find themselves feeling unmotivated by their mentoring relationship from time to time. If this happens to you, it could be time to give your mentoring relationship a boost to energize it. Try these four steps to reinvigorate your mentoring relationship and regain your momentum.

Continue reading “4 Ways to Keep Mentoring Momentum Going” here.

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